Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Cheers 2008!

Dear Diary,
Its already 2008. Funny, how time flies. Cheers to the new year. Speaking of cheers, its S's birthday today. Cheers to you S. Looking forward to celebrate your Sweet 16 with you. Have a great one babe! You've earned it! Enjoy & party. Congrats to S btw, who's about to get a drumset finally. You go girl!
A new beginning awaits me. A new joruney. A new adventure. Terrified & afraid but excited. Forward & onward. Just keep moving along the narrow & rocky road. Looking up to God always. Wise words from N,
"God gives us a task just to test us and allow things to happen. But if He sees that we cannot handle it, He would push that task away and give us a new one. He would never place a task on us that we cannot take."
Thanks for the words of encouragement, N.
Happy 2008! Let's party!
Always love,

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