Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Random Stuff

Dear Diary,
.....Today was pretty much a random day. Nothing out of the ordinary as i live my life as usual. Just pretty bored. I'm dying to watch Sweeney Todd! Simply the best!! There's another new movie coming out soon. Its based on a book which is kinda popular, especially to us teenagers. Its called, 'P/s: I Love You'. I saw it several times in book stores & also in my friend's hands. I hadn't gotten the chance to read it yet though. But by the look of the popularity of it, supposingly, it should be nice, shouldn't it??
.....Btw, I'm off to Penang by Thurday morning, at 3AM!!! Gosshh, thats early. Thanks to DAD! Oh well, i'm not gonna sleep anyways. I'll just surf the net till its 3 & straight go into the car & sleep. *zzzzz*. Sleep is gooodd..
.....Nothing much anyways. Here i am, sitting down in front of the comp, drinking orange juice & at the same time typing of course. Having a conversation with R. Now i'm just eagerly waiting to go to Penang. Wanna feel the sand on my toes, feel the cool breeze hit my face & hear the forever calming sound of the seas/waves. Sounds like paradise to me. Just love the beach! Well, unless the sand's been corrupted with craps of course, then i'll make an exception not to go to the beach. The craps just gotta stay away from my path & SIGHT!
.....Don't get me wrong. I love craps. I do. I love eating them BUT i hate them alive! *goosebumps*. Back to my paradise. Got nothing more to say. Guess i've said it all. Dreaming my way to paradise.
Always love,

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